#87625: "pause game when 1st roll scores all five dice"
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• Kopieer en plak alsjeblieft de foutboodschap die je op je scherm ziet, indien van toepassing.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Leg uit wat je wilde doen, wat je deed en wat er gebeurde
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Kopieer en plak alsjeblieft de tekst die in het Engels wordt getoond in plaats van in jouw taal. Als je een schermafbeelding van deze bug hebt (goede gewoonte), kun je Imgur.com gebruiken om deze te uploaden, de link kopiëren en hier plakken.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Is deze tekst beschikbaar in het vertaalsysteem? Zo ja, is deze meer dan 24 uur geleden vertaald?
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Gelieve jouw suggestie precies en beknopt uit te leggen zodat het zo makkelijk mogelijk is om te begrijpen wat je bedoelt.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Wat stond op het scherm toen je geblokkeerd was (Leeg scherm? Een deel van de spelinterface? Foutboodschap?)
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Met welk onderdeel van de regels is geen rekening gehouden bij de BGA-versie?
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Is de inbreuk op de spelregels zichtbaar in de spelherhaling? Indien ja, bij welk zetnummer?
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Welke spelactie wilde je uitvoeren?
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Wat probeerde je te doen om deze spelactie te laten optreden?
• Wat gebeurde er toen je dit probeerde te doen (foutboodschap, melding op de statusbalk van het spel, ...)?
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• In welke fase van het spel deed het probleem zich voor (wat was de huidige spelinstructie)?
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Wat gebeurde toen je deze spelactie probeerde (foutboodschap, melding op de statusbalk van het spel, ...)?
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Beschrijf alsjeblieft het probleem met de beeldweergave. Als je een schermafbeelding van deze bug hebt (goede gewoonte), kun je Imgur.com gebruiken om deze te uploaden, de link kopiëren en hier plakken.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Kopieer en plak alsjeblieft de tekst die in het Engels wordt getoond in plaats van in jouw taal. Als je een schermafbeelding van deze bug hebt (goede gewoonte), kun je Imgur.com gebruiken om deze te uploaden, de link kopiëren en hier plakken.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Is deze tekst beschikbaar in het vertaalsysteem? Zo ja, is deze meer dan 24 uur geleden vertaald?
• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
• Gelieve jouw suggestie precies en beknopt uit te leggen zodat het zo makkelijk mogelijk is om te begrijpen wat je bedoelt.
In a turn based game my turn came up and I discovered that I scored all five dice and had already re-rolled. It would be a better gaming experience to have the game pause after the first die roll when all five dice will score.
Without doing so, it feels like the game is playing itself as no input is being asked for from the player. Obviously, a player should always score all five dice and re-roll, but the active player doesn't get to see this happening.• Welke browser gebruik je?
Google Chrome v112
'Players may be required to make at least one additional throw when they have hot dice, even if they have accumulated a high enough score that they would choose not to risk farkling.'
After all, I added piggyback to give players more chances of comeback and add more tactical decisions.
Simply rejecting the suggestion because "check the game log" is a dismissive and unprofessional response.
Also, I received requests to automate actions and quicken turn-based games a lot more than you think. I'm not reverting this.
The rule in question should be a major variant rule or should improve the game significantly, then whether to implement it or not can be considered.
I don't think your suggestion qualifies either of these.
Once or twice I've clicked "accept" to start a game and then when I'm on the board discovered I have 2000 points or something like that with the only record on the game log. It would be nice to actually play along with those first rolls rather than having them magically appear.
I'm not suggesting changing the autoscoring in general, just for delaying the scoring for the very first roll so everyone can see what happened.
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- Loste F5 het probleem op?
- Kwam het probleem meerdere keren voor? Altijd? Willekeurig?
- Als je een schermafbeelding van deze bug hebt (goede gewoonte), kun je Imgur.com gebruiken om deze te uploaden, de link kopiëren en hier plakken.